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Donner Kebab

Donner Kebab
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Welcome to Italian Express in Wolverhampton!
Discover the true taste of Italy right here in the heart of Wolverhampton. At Italian Express, we take pride in serving a delectable range of authentic Italian cuisine that will tantalize your taste buds. From mouthwatering pizzas and juicy burgers to succulent kebabs, flavourful pastas, and indulgent desserts, we have something to satisfy every craving.

Our Pizzas are crafted with love, using the finest ingredients and traditional techniques. Whether you prefer a classic Margherita, a savoury Pepperoni, or a gourmet Vegetarian masterpiece, our pizzas are sure to transport you to the streets of Naples.

For those seeking a taste of the Mediterranean, our kebabs are a must-try. Indulge in tender, marinated meats grilled to perfection and served with a variety of fresh vegetables and aromatic sauces.

We are proud to announce our Italian Takeaway has joined Mealzo online food ordering portal. Order from the Mealzo Website and get an extra £3 voucher on orders over £15!

Feel free to call us at 01902 425289 and order over the phone.

Thank you for visiting our online food ordering website.